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北美留学申请专家 Kimberly VanderWeert [美] 老师简介


—— Kimberly VanderWeert

Kimberly VanderWeert 老师是 World Awaits 首席北美申请专家,拥有10年北美大学、研究生申请辅导经验,已助力数百学生斩获哈佛、斯坦福、加州理工等北美名校的 offer。

Kimberly 老师的自我介绍(翻译):


2015年,由于丈夫工作关系,我们旅居智利。在此期间,我继续为高中学生提供大学申请指导,我的教育咨询公司 World Awaits Academic Consulting 也随之诞生。

成立 World Awaits,我的目标是:第一,帮助学生和家长在教育道路上做出知情决策;第二,帮助学生们成才、成功,无论他们今天在世界的哪个地方。



For years I worked in the world of formal education: I taught high school- and college-level English, crafted ESL curriculum for international publication, and wrote standardized exams for the school district. After watching my high-schoolers struggle with their college applications, I created curriculum to support them. From self-discovery and career-exploration to personal statement writing, I helped my students shape their personal narratives into killer college applications. Recognizing my passion and my students’ successes, I was moved into a college counselor role in 2013.

However, in 2015, my husband was relocated to Chile. While excited to live abroad, I was sad to leave my position with Denver Public Schools and my love of helping students achieve their academic and career goals behind. So, only a few months after leaving DPS, World Awaits Academic Consulting was born.

I founded World Awaits with two goals: to help students and families make informed decisions about their educational paths, and to help students grow and succeed, no matter where in the world they are located.

I am now back in the United States, helping students from around the globe apply to colleges and universities in North America. To date, I have helped 301 students attend the schools of their dreams. In fact, 100% of my clients have been admitted into their schools of choice. And I have loved every second of helping them achieve their goals.

Kimberly VanderWeert, World Awaits 首席北美申请专家,拥有10年申请辅导经验,已助力数百学生斩获哈佛、斯坦福、加州理工等北美名校的 offer。为保障给每一位同学提供尽心尽力的帮助,每年仅服务有限数目的客户。

长按二维码添加 Kimberly 老师个人微信,聊一聊你的光明未来。


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